a legal team who truly cares about your rights

Medical Malpractice

Why Us?

Over the years, we’ve recovered hundreds of millions in compensation for our clients and we’re prepared to help you as well. If you need a legal team who truly cares about your right to recovery, you’ve just found it.

Free Case Evaluation

Get Compensation for Your Injuries.

Buffalo Medical Malpractice

Recovering Compensation

After being made a victim of medical malpractice, as long as we can prove your case, you should receive compensation to help you deal with the economic and non-economic damages you’ve incurred as a result of the physician’s actions. Economic damages can help you cope with the following:

  • The cost of past and future medical bills
  • The cost of being unable to return to work
  • If your loved one passed away, the cost of funeral expenses

On the other hand, non-economic damages are designed to compensate victims for the intangible, yet very real damages they’ve incurred as a result of the act of malpractice. Non-economic damages can include the following:

  • Pain and suffering
  • The loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of companionship or guidance (if your loved one passed away)

Goldstein & Greco is a personal injury and medical malpractice law firm dedicated to helping those who’ve been wronged by others fight for their rightful compensation. If you or your loved one has been wronged by a medical professional, please don’t hesitate to speak with us. We’re prepared to fight for the full and fair compensation to which you are entitled.

We also have extensive experience fighting for clients who’ve been harmed by defective or dangerous medical products, including the following:

  • Defective Drugs
  • Defective Medical Devices
  • Unsafe Hip Replacements
  • Defective Hernia Mesh
  • Talcum Powder Causing Ovarian Cancer
  • Mesothelioma Caused by Asbestos Exposure

Who's to Blame?

Medical Negligence

There are several ways in which a physician can behave negligently or with malicious intent and harm a patient as a result. Just some of the most common types of medical malpractice and negligence that we’ve seen over the years are as follows:


  • Errors during surgery, such as leaving surgical instruments in a patient’s body.
  • Failing to diagnose certain medical conditions timely, such as cancer, thereby allowing the cancer to spread before a diagnosis is made.
  • Failing to diagnose certain medical conditions altogether.
  • Anesthesia errors, such as administering too much or too little.
  • Medication errors, such as prescribing too high or too small of a dosage, or prescribing the wrong medication altogether.

Proving an Act of Medical Malpractice

To win a medical malpractice claim, you will have to prove several things. They are as follows:

  • You were the medical professional’s patient and that the medical professional owed you a duty of care.
  • The medical professional breached his or her duty of care by taking action (or inaction) that another well-trained and reasonable physician would not have.
  • You were harmed as a result of the breach of duty of care.
  • You sustained damages.


To prove your case, we will have to gather and assess all information pertaining to your injuries. This will include medical documents detailing the initial procedure/type of care your physician was to provide, where he or she went wrong, expert opinions on what would have been a more appropriate line of action, and more. We will also need to send information regarding exactly how the physician’s actions harmed you, what treatment you required to correct the issue, and any other relevant information to your case.

I want to thank your law firm for settling my lawsuit where others failed. You treated me with the utmost respect and care.

Your Initial Consultation

If you need an attorney to represent you with any medical malpractice case, look no further than the dependable, results-driven team here at Goldstein & Greco. Starting out as a physician and then moving into the field of personal injury and medical malpractice law, Mr. Goldstein knows the ins and outs of these cases, from the biological side to the legal side. Mr. Greco, in his career, has handled countless cases involving pharmeceutical litigation, which, in fact, make up about 90% of his caseload.

If you were wronged by a medical professional, you may feel unsure of where to turn, as medical professionals are powerful entities and will likely hire aggressive legal representation when faced with a lawsuit. Fortunately, however, if you’re reading this, you’re in the right place. Our firm has significant experience repreesenting people just like you who’ve been wronged by medical professionals, and we’re here to help you as well. Contact a knowledgeable Buffalo medical malpractice lawyer from Goldstein & Gredo today to learn more about how we can help you fight for your rightful compensation.

File Today

Here in New York State, the statute of limitations for most injury claims is three years, however, this is not the case when it comes to cases involving medical malpractice. In New York, you will only have 2.5 years of the date the incident of malpractice occurred to bring a lawsuit against the medical professional who harmed you. Don’t make the mistake of waiting–simply speak with a knowledgeable legal team as soon as you can.